skull has long been one of the most used symbols to represent death and
our awareness of the limitations of physical existence. This has changed in recent times, as with the graphic tee most skulls are designed
for fashion rather than being emblematic of the fact that we are not immortal.

Sugar skull tattoo photo taken by Alex O’Neal
(not endorsed) on October 16, 2010.
License use:
(not endorsed) on October 16, 2010.
License use:

At I have designed a skull
t-shirt titled ‘starskull’ that uses white graphics of stars forming
into a skull image. The starskull t-shirt is emblematic of the fact that
we are very much mortal but more than that, it celebrates our origins.
We are carbon based, our origins began within stars. As an expansive
thought – we are their offspring, disconnected only by space and time.
The idea, that while our physical existence is limited, we have in a way
always been here and as such we never truly cease to exist. There is no
real beginning and no true end.
As with tattoos, t-shirt
imagery can represent whatever you want it to. Whether your idea is
based in tradition, science or just for fun, I think it is important to
recognise that while sometimes it is OK to just wear something that is
popular, it is far more interesting if you can have your own opinion
about it and have an understanding of where it originates.
Oh, just in
case you are wondering, my favourite Ramones
song is ‘I wanna be sedated’ from the ‘Road to Ruin’ album.
song is ‘I wanna be sedated’ from the ‘Road to Ruin’ album.
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